Since its foundation, Korea Aerospace Industries LTD. ('KAI') has been orienting towards the world's first-class aerospace company and leading the development of Korea's aerospace industry with an indomitable challenging spirit, laying a groundwork for leaping to the global aerospace company via the 2011 initial public offering.
Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) was established by Turkish and US partners in 1984 for the co-production of F-16 aircraft in Turkey. As a result of the acquisition of foreign shares Turkish shareholders, the company was restructured in the year 2005 and TAI became Turkey's center of technology in design, development, modernization, manufacturing, integration and life cycle support of integrated aerospace systems, from fixed and rotary wing air platforms to UAVs and satellites.

Yüksel Defense Systems – YSS, established in August 2008, is already well connected with the Government, Military & Industrial Defense entities in Turkey. YSS is employing and connected to a motivated domestic and international pool of highly qualified and experienced personnel.
YSS has "Nato and National Secret" Facility Security Clerance.